Interest Rate Model

The NYKE protocol uses the JumpRateModel to adjust interest rates based on market conditions, incentivizing borrowing and supplying of assets in a way that maintains market stability. The model ensures that interest rates increase more sharply after a certain utilization point (kink), thus managing the risk and encouraging optimal utilization of the market.

  1. Borrow Rate Calculation:

    • The getBorrowRate function uses the utilization rate to calculate the borrow rate:

      • If utilization ≤ kink: borrowRate = baseRatePerTimestamp + (utilization * multiplierPerTimestamp) / 1e18

      • If utilization > kink: borrowRate = normalRate + (excessUtil * jumpMultiplierPerTimestamp) / 1e18

        • normalRate = baseRatePerTimestamp + (kink * multiplierPerTimestamp) / 1e18

        • excessUtil = utilization - kink

  2. Supply Rate Calculation:

    • The getSupplyRate function calculates the supply rate based on the borrow rate and the reserve factor:

      • rateToPool = borrowRate * (1 - reserveFactorMantissa) / 1e18

      • supplyRate = utilizationRate * rateToPool / 1e18

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